Hi there! Today, let’s talk about two important nerves: the Superficial Peroneal Nerve and the Deep Peroneal Nerve. These nerves play a key role in foot sensation and movement. If you feel tingling or numbness on the top of your foot, one of these nerves might be the reason. Let’s learn more about where these nerves are, what they do, and where they can get injured!

Superficial Peroneal Nerve
The Superficial Peroneal Nerve is also called the “shallow peroneal nerve.” As its name suggests, it runs close to the skin. It provides sensation to most of the top of your foot. This nerve passes through the muscles on the outer side of your lower leg (the fibularis longus and fibularis brevis) and helps move your foot outward.
Where to Find the Superficial Peroneal Nerve
•Outer Side of the Ankle:
The nerve comes close to the skin near the outer side of the ankle. It travels to the top of your foot and toes, where it provides sensation. Pressing this area may cause tingling if the nerve is irritated or compressed.
•Middle of the Outer Leg:
The nerve runs along the outer side of the leg, near the muscles. This area is another spot where the nerve can be stimulated or tested.
What Happens When It’s Injured?
If the superficial peroneal nerve is compressed or damaged, you might feel numbness or tingling on the top of your foot. Tight shoes or sitting with crossed legs for long periods can also put pressure on this nerve and cause problems.
Deep Peroneal Nerve
The Deep Peroneal Nerve is located deeper in the leg, under the muscles. It controls movement in your toes and helps you lift your foot upwards (dorsiflexion). It also provides feeling between your big toe and second toe.
Where to Find the Deep Peroneal Nerve
•Between the Big Toe and Second Toe:
This nerve supplies feeling to this small area of the foot. If there is numbness or tingling here, the deep peroneal nerve may be involved.

•Front of the Ankle:
The nerve passes through the front of the ankle, near the top of the foot. Pressing this area might cause discomfort if the nerve is compressed or irritated.
What Happens When It’s Injured?
If this nerve is damaged, it may be hard to lift your foot or move your toes upward. In severe cases, it can cause a condition called foot drop, where you cannot lift your foot properly.
Common Peroneal Nerve
Both the superficial and deep peroneal nerves branch out from the Common Peroneal Nerve. This nerve splits near the fibular head (a bony part on the outer side of your knee). This spot is one of the most common areas for nerve damage.
Where to Test the Common Peroneal Nerve
•Outer Side of the Knee:
Pressing on the fibular head may cause tingling or pain if the common peroneal nerve is compressed.
Prevention and Care
•Wear Comfortable Shoes:
Avoid shoes that are too tight around the ankle or top of the foot.
•Avoid Crossing Your Legs:
Crossing your legs for long periods can put pressure on these nerves.

•Stretch Before and After Exercise:
Stretching helps relax the nerves and muscles around your foot and leg.
If you feel tingling or numbness on the top of your foot, it could be related to the superficial or deep peroneal nerves. Be sure to consult a doctor if the symptoms persist. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!
#SuperficialPeronealNerve #DeepPeronealNerve #FootSensation #CommonPeronealNerve #FootTingling #NerveCompression #AnklePain #ToeSensation #NerveInjury #TinelTest #FootDrop #UltrasoundExam #ComfortableShoes #LegCrossing #FibularNerve #PeronealNerve #AnkleStretching #SensationLoss #ToeMovement #FootEversion
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